Additional Currencies

The Settings -> System settings -> Additional currencies page allows defining additional currencies and their exchange rates to the system’s base currency.

  • Please note – the system uses only one base currency in stock, and to which the additional currencies relate to. The base currency is defined at Settings -> System settings -> Regional settings -> Currency sign.
  • The idea of different currencies is to display them on purchasing/sales documents – Purchase order (PO), Customer orders (CO), and Invoice/Quotation/etc.
  • It is also possible to set default currencies for customers and vendors.
  • The price of every lot in the stock is displayed in the base currency. Even if a different currency is used when making a PO, the stock lot will still be displayed in the base currency, taking into account its exchange rate.
  • When creating a document, the currency exchange rate is taken from the list of additional currencies. It is possible to change the rate in the particular document after.
  • Important! Changing the currency sign in System setting -> Regional Settings (in a live database) will not result in any changes in financial values or recalculation of documents and exchange rates; only the sign is changed. 

Update rates automatically

MRPeasy can update currency rates automatically each night. To enable this functionality, please change the value of the Settings -> System Settings -> Software settings -> Update currency rates to Yes.

This function requires that all currencies are defined as 3-letter codes according to the international standards (USD, GBP, AUD, EUR, etc.). See:

The provider of the real-time rates is The rates are mid-market rates derived from the mid-point between the "buy" and "sell" transactional rates from global currency markets. 


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